The Prince’s Trust

The Prince’s Trust is one of the UK’s largest charities, and spent over £52m through its charitable activities last year according to the government charities register. It’s focused on youth unemployment and poverty, targeting unemployed 13-30 year olds and those at risk of exclusion. It supports different projects and schemes through regional bodies whose funding is calculated using the Indices of Deprivation along with other factors.

It also created a ‘disadvantage ranking’ in order to target its ‘enterprise works’ pilot which was a composite of the Indices of Deprivation and GCSE-no-pass rates, equally weighted. The purpose of this was to add an element of specific youth underachievement to focus on deprived areas with high proportions of young people at risk. This is a great example of an organisation using the Indices in combination with other factors to help isolate their target group, as well as using the data to distribute funding to areas of greatest need.

More about the Trust’s ‘disadvantage ranking’ in their report: Tackling the Poverty of Opportunity.


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